2014年7月20日 星期日

CONTAX Carl Zeiss Planar 35mm f/2.0 T* G鏡 膠合鏡組脫膠重新粘合 Treatment Lens Separation; Re-cementing Re-gluing

這支送來處理的CONTAX G鏡有膠合鏡組脫膠的問題。
這支鏡頭的脫膠是發生在後膠合鏡組,依照我一貫的程序來處理,最後當然是讓它恢復原本乾淨通透的狀態,恭喜一支好鏡回春 ^_^

The lens got a serious haze inside the rear lens elements. This kind of haze is a typical sign of cemented lens group separation the CONTAX G lenses may have. The separation happened to the rear cemented lens group.
After the standard treatment procedure, the lens has been restored back to its original condition with a clean and clear appearance!


