2015年1月16日 星期五

Olympus Zuiko 42mm f/1.2 (Pen series) 前鏡組脫膠/離膠處理 Treatment Lens Separation; Re-cementing Re-gluing

這支pen 42/1.2有蠻嚴重的前膠合鏡組脫膠的問題

取出脫膠鏡組 ---> 分離鏡組 ---> 去除殘膠 ---> 重新黏合 ---> 組裝、完工


This Pen 42/1.2 got a serious separation problem to it's front cemented lens group.
As usual, following the standard procedure to resolve the problem~

taking out the cemented lens group ---> taking the cemented lend group apart into individual lens elements ---> removing the residual glue ---> re-gluing ---> assembling

The process completed smoothly without any error, the the separation has been resolved completely.

