2015年9月20日 星期日

Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 5.8cm f/2.0 T 鏡片鍍膜拋光處理 Coating & glass polishing treatment

這篇鏡片拋光實例的主角是 Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 5.8cm f/2.0 (俗稱 小B)。
最後兩張是拋光處理前後的實拍測試照,所有設定皆相同。 可以清楚看到拋光處理顯著改善了鏡頭的表現!

This page shows a case of polishing treatment for Carl Zeiss Jena Biotar 5.8cm f/2.0.
The major problem of this lens is the serious scratches on the front glass, and also coating deterioration make the glass looks hazy and cloudy. 
Polishing treatment is the only way to rescue the lens from the desperate situation. The treatment is impossible to restore the lens back to its' original perfect condition, but the performance got a great benefit from polishing treatment and shows a significant improvement. 
The last two photos are the testing sample from before and after the polishing treatment. You can clearly see the big differences.

