2017年5月13日 星期六

CANON FD 85mm f/1.2 L 後膠合鏡組脫膠離膠重新黏合 Re-Cementing for rear doublet separation

這支 Canon FD 85/1.2 L 送來處理原因是 鏡片髒污以及內鏡片有白霧
鏡片髒污 和 脫膠/離膠 的處理方式不同,鏡片髒污只需一般的清潔擦拭即可完成,脫膠/離膠必須經過繁複的處理程序,包含分離黏合在一起的鏡片、清除殘膠、對心重新黏合等,必要時,還需要重新補上鏡邊避光黑漆。

The lens owner want me to clean the internal dust and haze.
After I disassembling the lens, I found the internal haze was a result of rear cemented doublet separation.
Following the standard treatment procedure with precise re-cementing, the separation has been resolved and the doublet got its new life. The lens looks clean and clear again!

